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* The Microsoft Windows operating system provides a useful tool for customizing the operation of a PC computer, known as "batch file" programming. Batch files are an extension of the Windows "CMD.EXE" program. CMD.EXE is a type of "shell" or "command interpreter program": it interprets commands and executes them. CMD.EXE can execute commands interactively or it can execute the same commands stored in an ordinary text file as a batch file. Batch files are an antique technology by modern standards, batch files having been introduced with the original MS-DOS operating system in the 1980s, but they still remain useful.
This document provides a quick introduction to Windows batch file programming. It assumes a basic knowledge of how to use a Windows PC, including familiarity with directories, file systems, mouse operations, and the Windows Explorer file browser.


Table of Contents:

1. Batch File Programming
2. Internal and External Commands*
3. Run Line Commands
4. Batch Operators
5. Basic Commands
6. Environment Tables*
7. Looping statements*
8. Conditional Statements
9. Commands associated with files and folders*
10. Network Troubleshooting commands*
11. Code snippets*
12. Virus programming*
13. Converting batch to executables.

Chapters with an asterisk (*) at the end, are my personal favorites.



About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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  1. any queries visit

  2. Hey, thanks a whole lot for this. I wanted to learn about these scary yet powerful batch files and now I can, thanks :)

  3. I would like a copy of your batch file programming pdf. Can you help?

  4. [Pdf]Batch File Programming Complete Book ~ Shm-Hack - Shm-Hack >>>>> Download Now

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    [Pdf]Batch File Programming Complete Book ~ Shm-Hack - Shm-Hack >>>>> Download LINK

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    [Pdf]Batch File Programming Complete Book ~ Shm-Hack - Shm-Hack >>>>> Download Full

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