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Google’s keyword tool was created for Adwords users, but it’s also very useful for people who don’t use Adwords.
It serves two main purposes for those who want to achieve good rankings and get more visitors to their website through SEO – to provide keyword ideas and to give estimates of monthly search volumes for keywords.
As choosing keywords is a critical stage in the SEO process, knowing how to use this tool properly is essential.
1) Sign in to Google Adwords.
2) Click on ‘Tools and Analysis‘and then ‘Keyword Planner‘.
3) If you don’t have an Adwords account you can set one up quickly and easily for free.
4) Click on ‘Search for keyword and ad group ideas’.
5) Understand the settings and data.
a. Product or service – Enter your list of keyword ideas.
b. Landing page – Enter urls from your website.

c. Product category – Leave blank.
d. Location – Select ‘United Kingdom’.
e. Languages – Select ‘English’.
f. Data source – Select ‘Google’
g. Negative keywords – Leave blank.
h. Customise – Turn on ‘Only show ideas closely related to my search terms’.
i. Add or remove keywords – Click ‘Get ideas’ to refresh results.
j. Ad group ideas / Keyword ideas – Select ‘Keyword ideas’.
k. Results for the keywords you entered.
l. Additional keyword suggestions.
m. Search volume history – Hover over graph to view.
n. Average monthly searches.
o. Competition – Ignore (Adwords only).
p. Average cost per click – Ignore (Adwords only)
q. Download keyword data.
r. Number of keywords listed.
6) Create a list of around 10 keywords that describe what your business does and/or what you sell. Include both broad, general keywords and specific, focused ones. Include local regions that you want to target too (i.e. UK, West Midlands, London, etc.).
7) Add to your list keywords suggested to you by suppliers/partners/customers/friends, as they may associate different keywords with your business than you do.
8) Enter the list of keywords into the ‘Your product or service’ field. Leave the ‘Your landing page’ field blank. Click ‘Get ideas’.
9) Change the selected tab from ‘Ad group ideas’ to ‘Keyword ideas’. The top list of results displayed are the keywords you entered displayed alongside the average monthly search volume for each of them. The list below is related keywords suggested by Google.
10) Download the keyword ideas as a .CSV file.
11) Using Microsoft Excel or Open Office, merge the data in the .CSV files together to create one complete list of keywords and search volumes.
12) Remove any duplicated entries and sort the keywords by monthly searches.
13) Remove any keywords with a search volume of less than 500. Remove any keywords which aren’t directly relevant to your business.

At the end of this process you should have a list of 10-100 keywords. Those keywords will be relevant and have acceptable search volumes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should target all of them.
Important Tip: Copy Keywords from Keyword Shitter, LSI Graph, Uber Suggest and Keyword tool in Adwords Search and find which keywords right for you and how many search perform for given keywords.

About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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