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Today we provide you simple blogger tricks on how to Disable Right Click on Blogger/BlogSpot blogs easily. You can easily manage copyright issue from disabling right click on your blog. Disable Right Click easily avoid users to copying your blog content, images etc. This is very simple blogger tricks to avoid copyright issue from blog. Many blogger noticing that most of blogs copied their blog content so they want protect their blog from copying and Disable Right click is very good idea to avoid this.

Disable right click becomes a disadvantage that if you disable right click than your sharing codes on blog post also not copied from blog post. So first think about this than applied this code on your blog or you can also remove this code easily if you don’t want more this on your blog.

Disable Mouse Right click on Blogger or BlogSpot Blogs

Please follow below steps to Disable Mouse Right click on Blogger or BlogSpot Blogs:

Step 1

Login into blogger dashboard and Go to layout at left panel than click on add a gadget link as shown in below picture.
How To Disable Right Click on BlogSpot

Step 2

When you click Add a Gadget link a popup window will open with all gadgets list. Please choose HTML/JavaScript gadget form list as shown in below picture.

How To Disable Right Click on Blogger

Step 3

Past below code just inside it:

<script language=JavaScript><!--//Disable right mouse click Scriptvar message="Function Disabled!";///////////////////////////////////function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(message);return false;}}function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);return false;}}}if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;}else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;}document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")// --></script>

Step 4

Save the gadget.

Step 5

Save the Layout.

About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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