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Static pages in blogger allows you to create a static pages on specific topic like contact us page, about me page, Privacy Policy page, terms of services page, advertisement page and so on as you wish to create any static pages. Static pages are same as blog post page but it’s some difference from post like it’s not appear in the home page, it’s don't have any label, not indexed like archive pages.
How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Create Static Pages in Blogger

You can Create Static Pages in Blogger with follow some simple steps given as below:

Step 1

Log in into your Blogger Dashboard and click on pages at left side menu as shown in below picture.

How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Step 2

Now click on new pages and select blank page as shown in below picture.

How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Step 3

Now type your title of page and put content on body as shown in below figure.

How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Step 4

You can also check your page preview before publishing any page for see how to your page show when you publish it.

How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Step 5

Now click on publish button to publish your content for publicly.

Step 6

Now in pages you have 3 options to set it on home page.
  • Top tabs - Its show your page in nav menu at below header.
  • Side Links - Its show your page in your blog sidebar
  • Don't Show - You can add your page manually in your template for show as your requirement.
How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

Step 7

Now set your page where it appears than save arrangement button.

How to Create Static Pages In Blogger

You've done perfectly. If you have any question or doubt about any steps than you can contact us any time or please leave your comment at below, we solved your issue as soon as possible.

About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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