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Spoken Tutorial methodology is used to create a series of OSS tutorials of LateX, Scilab, Linux, Python and more. The duration of a typical tutorial is about 10 minutes and many such tutorial videos can be compiled to form entire study plans capable of advanced teaching as well. The basic approach is the creation of a script which is the basis for creating the actual video; this script can be translated into other languages for the audio part, though the visualizations remain in English. It provides tutorials in various Indian regional languages as well. Spoken Tutorial makes learning more effective with simultaneous animation and narration and its demonstrations are highly clear.
The objective of Spoken Tutorial is to spread the knowledge of technology and Free Open Source Software (FOSS) across the country to the ones who lack access and opportunities to learn any software. It is instructional material developed through collaborative means and is a scalable solution. Spoken Tutorial can help you in a number of ways, and through this you can:
  • Learn any software, all by yourself.
  • Get help to conduct workshops in schools and colleges.
  • Contribute to the community by creating your own tutorials or even dubbing the existing ones into other languages.
  • Provide your expertise in a particular FOSS, as a Reviewer or Domain Expert.
  • Spread awareness about its significance and use and become a promoter.
  • Spoken Tutorial strives to eliminate gaps in achieving of software literacy. These gaps arise due to lack of knowledge about accessibility of resources for software learning, lack of proper guidance, lack of infrastructure, difficulty in understanding English. Spoken Tutorial comes to the aid by making tutorials on FOSS available in several Regional Indian languages, so that the learner is most comfortable in learning. The tutorials are available at different levels of expertise such as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
    This project is developed for the community and its portal aims to reach out to individuals interested in collaborating with it and each other as well to create Spoken Tutorials. This project constantly thrives for betterment and improvement and its next goal is to get its tutorials dubbed into as many Indian languages as possible. This will spread its presence across larger parts of the country and in this way, it could be of help to a lot more people. The tutorials whether they are original or dubbed are of the highest possible quality since they go through a strict review procedure before any uploads. The target group of this project is the community including schools, colleges, professionals, educators, trainers, researchers, software users and developers and anyone else with the slightest interest in learning about software can try their hands at it.
    It is evident that the knowledge of software is been increasingly desired by huge masses of people, due to the ever increasing careers in the field, moreover, its basic knowledge comes handy. I encourage all to avail of the services of this tool and be a part of this exciting new venture. Share your knowledge and views with us. The Comment Box awaits you.



About The Author
Hasan Shaikh is the founder and admin of ShmHack, a popular blog dedicated for Learners,Geeks and Bloggers. He is currently 19 years old and loves to post articles related to blogging,SEO,adsense,hacking,security,social medias,computer and android. Find more about him...

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